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Chair of board
- The guild elects the chair of the board at the autumn board meeting
- Calls and presides over board meetings
- Primary responsibility for guild operations and participates in all matters at least as an observer
- Represents the guild also in their free time
- Manages relations with other LUT and LAB subject associations or guilds, the student union, the study program, and other Finnish ENTE guilds
Vice Chairman
- Act as a substitute for the chairperson when they are unavailable
- Moral support for the chair of the board
- Good to combine with some officer position
- Monitors the guild’s financial situation
- Pays bills and invoices for receivables
- Plans budgets as needed
- Sits on top of the guild’s money chest when the board comes up with crazy ideas
- Maintains financial records and prepares financial statements
- Drafting and archiving minutes of board and guild meetings
- Performing secretary-like tasks
Corporate Relations Manager
- Sells overalls advertisement space to companies and orders overalls
- Maintaining connections with companies, securing event sponsors, and coordinating company visits with the excursion master
Excursion Master
- Organizes guild excursions and serves as the person responsible for trips
- Coordinates company visits in collaboration with the corporate relations manager
- Maintains contact with guilds from other locations, arranging accommodations for visitors from other cities to Lappeenranta
- Secures buses when necessary for other guild events
Project Manager
- Organizes and coordinates guild events, such as annual balls, sitz parties, and other guild-related events
- Acts as the head of the project sector, delegating tasks to others
Host and Hostess (EI-sector)
- A separate recruitment process, applications for the old EI-sector.
- Traditionally chosen from among the first-year students.
- Handles practical on-site arrangements for guild events.
- Includes grocery shopping, cleaning, setting up tables, catering, and more
- Under the supervision of the project manager.
- Independent Tuesday sauna events (saunis) separate from the guild.
- The position is demanding, but as a counterbalance, the EI-sector has many traditions in which the chosen ones can participate
Communications Manager
- Manages guild communication, the website, and is responsible for social media
- Communication channels: Newsletter, Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram.
- Requires active monitoring of email and social media
- Compiles a weekly newsletter for the email list every Sunday
- Updates the website, major news, and board meeting minutes
- Maintains the Armatuuri calendar up to date on the website
Academic Affairs Manager
- Manages the guild’s advocacy efforts
- Participates in meetings of their own study program
- Collects course feedback together with the course feedback secretary and compiles this feedback for biannual course feedback sessions
Fresher Captain
- Differs from other positions, elected at the guild’s spring board meeting
- The former fresher captain initiates the recruitment process in the spring
- Term of office covers one academic year
- Trains freshers into tech students and serves as the primary distributor of fresher points, as well as a source of safety and support for freshers
Guild’s officers
- Selected at the board’s organizational board meeting in early January
- Applications for the new chair of board
- The number of positions varies annually based on the guild’s workload and the board’s preferences.
- Usually, there are around 20 different officer positions
- Workloads vary greatly, with some being very independent roles and others supporting the board’s positions
- You can find the guild’s executive positions listed on this page